As this college experience comes to a close, I am filled with joy and excitement about the future. I can't believe these past four years have gone by as fast as they have, but I guess life will pass by before I know it. I am excited about the journey that I will take.
I have learned many valuable lessons throughout my college days especially through the department of Mass Communication.
10. Never count on a shady local restaurant to cook and deliver 100 hotdogs on the day before a Hotdog Eating Contest.
9. Learn to work well with others. Everyone is different, therefore you must cooperate with each other well.
8. Take initiative. Don't step back and wait for other people to do it. Sometimes you have to do it yourself.
7. How to write a wonderful and interesting blog post
6. Tweeting on Twitter (and the use of social media within public relations)
5. The art of writing a great press release
4. How to plan a successful campaign
3. Never procrastinate when planning an event, things go much smoother when planning ahead
2. Don't stress out (like when you don't have any cupcakes for The Relay For Life birthday party!)
And the number 1 thing I have learned throughout all of this be FLEXIBLE! (like when you are assigned a campaign and the plans fall through six times!)
Thank you Dr. Miller for all of your insight. It's been a pleasure working with you throughout these past two years. Hope you never forget your PR Fantasy Football Team of 2010!
~Cassie S. Melvin
4 years ago