This semester we will be working with Digital Bridges, a new business opening to the Milledgeville public. Digital Bridges is a community led program that will allow people within the community the chance to connect to the outside world via the internet. We take internet connection for granite these days, but sadly, there are many people who do not even own a computer. Digital Bridges is going to build a bridge for people to cross when it comes to technology and their abilities needed to use it.
As the coordinator of the "Digital Inclusion" event group, I along with Tori Cantrell, Marianna Miller, and Corinne Burstein, have to create a press packet and an event for the community to get more involved with Digital Bridges. We have met several times, but things are still in the drawing board stage. I am looking forward to working with my group and even more excited about the ideas we will create together!
~Cassie S. Melvin